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Chain Bijector¤

distreqx.bijectors.chain.Chain (AbstractFwdLogDetJacBijector, AbstractInvLogDetJacBijector) ¤

Composition of a sequence of bijectors into a single bijector.

Bijectors are composable: if f and g are bijectors, then g o f is also a bijector. Given a sequence of bijectors [f1, ..., fN], this class implements the bijector defined by fN o ... o f1.

NOTE: the bijectors are applied in reverse order from the order they appear in the sequence. For example, consider the following code where f and g are two bijectors:

layers = []
bijector = distrax.Chain(layers)
y = bijector.forward(x)

The above code will transform x by first applying g, then f, so that y = f(g(x)).

__init__(self, bijectors: Sequence[AbstractBijector]) ¤

Initializes a Chain bijector.


  • bijectors: a sequence of bijectors to be composed into one. Each bijector can be a distreqx bijector or a callable to be wrapped by Lambda. The sequence must contain at least one bijector.