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Scalar Affine Bijector¤

distreqx.bijectors.scalar_affine.ScalarAffine (AbstractBijector) ¤

An affine bijector that acts elementwise.

The bijector is defined as follows:

  • Forward: y = scale * x + shift
  • Forward Jacobian determinant: log|det J(x)| = log|scale|
  • Inverse: x = (y - shift) / scale
  • Inverse Jacobian determinant: log|det J(y)| = -log|scale|

where scale and shift are the bijector's parameters.

__init__(self, shift: Array, scale: Optional[Array] = None, log_scale: Optional[Array] = None) ¤

Initializes a ScalarAffine bijector.


  • shift: the bijector's shift parameter.
  • scale: the bijector's scale parameter. NOTE: scale must be non-zero, otherwise the bijector is not invertible. It is the user's responsibility to make sure scale is non-zero; the class will make no attempt to verify this.
  • log_scale: the log of the scale parameter. If specified, the bijector's scale is set equal to exp(log_scale). Unlike scale, log_scale is an unconstrained parameter. NOTE: either scale or log_scale can be specified, but not both. If neither is specified, the bijector's scale will default to 1.


  • ValueError: if both scale and log_scale are not None.