TanH Bijector¤
distreqx.bijectors.tanh.Tanh (AbstractFowardInverseBijector, AbstractInvLogDetJacBijector)
A bijector that computes the hyperbolic tangent.
The log-determinant implementation in this bijector is more numerically stable than relying on the automatic differentiation approach used by Lambda, so this bijector should be preferred over Lambda(jnp.tanh) where possible.
When the absolute value of the input is large, Tanh
becomes close to a
constant, so that it is not possible to recover the input x
from the output
within machine precision. In cases where it is needed to compute both the
forward mapping and the backward mapping one after the other to recover the
original input x
, it is the user's responsibility to simplify the operation
to avoid numerical issues. One example of such case is to use the bijector
within a Transformed
distribution and to obtain the log-probability of samples
obtained from the distribution's sample
method. For values of the samples
for which it is not possible to apply the inverse bijector accurately,
returns NaN. This can be avoided by using sample_and_log_prob
instead of sample
followed by log_prob